My father's name is William Van Spanje Jr. but I call him father and Pappy. He was born April 4, 1933 in Paterson, New Jersey. Growing up was not easy. My father worked many hours to support his wife Marie and us 5 children. I worked so that my mother could stay home with us children til we started school. Growing up was not easy. My father is my hero. I love him so much. He is the most honest; prestige; and honable person who I know. He saved my life literally; twice. If it was not for him I would be dead. When I was depressed and suicial he taught me not to run away from your problems; because then the problems win and you've lost. It is best to look it in the face and take it head on. He saved me. My father is a strong man; with the heart of gold. He has lived through cancer and heart disease; a survior. On Halloween last year; he fell 1.5 stories off a roof and landed on bricks. When I went to see him in the ICU; I thought he might die. I prayed to God so hard to let him live; we need him here. My body and heart felt like someone had stabbed me and left me to die. I wanted him to live. I have never seen such love for one person. And THANK GOD IS A DOING BETTER!! My whole family holds my father in high regard; much respect. things have not always been perfect but I hope to be alot like my father. He is our hero. YOUR FAMILY LOVES YOU!!